"Every once in awhile, you encounter someone driven by a true mission and vision for their life and you realize that you can help them accomplish their mission. You also realize that it is no accident that you are placed at this juncture with them, but that God is guiding you both. That is the story with Connie Zimmerman and Colorado Homeless Families." —Christie Ward, CSP, The Impact Institute
- 1993 HUD Award for Exemplary Progress in Program Improvement, Advancement, and Expansion
- 2001 Denver Post Season to Share Grant Award
- 2002 Jefferson County Nonprofit Recognition Award
- 2009 Jefferson County Commitment to Excellence Award
- CoNAHRD Affordable Housing Project Award
- 2012 Arvada Chamber of Commerce Woman of the Year
- 2013 Arvada's Woman of the Year in 2013
- Several special recognitions from the City of Arvada
- Special recognition, Colorado State Senator, Evie Hudak
- Several special recognitions from HUD
- Congolese Communities of Colorado Humanitarian Award
This is the story of one woman who, in 1987, saw a need, raised a prayer, and was given one opportunity to invest in six HUD homes for a paltry $1.00 per unit. Her purpose was to offer sustainability to families in need.
Connie Zimmerman convinced the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Realtors, and zoning officials to join her fanciful efforts to help the new poor get off the streets of Colorado.
KEEPING UP WITH GOD, Connie and the board of Colorado Homeless Families became the bridge for hundreds of new poor, working poor, refugees, and the unemployed to pass through to the stable side of America. By receiving grants from private foundations and the government, Connie was able to build and purchase land and homes for 40 transitional units with parks, a basketball court, and offices for a family education and resource center.
By providing the rigors of housing, education, community cooperation, and a playground, Mrs. Zimmerman created a model that can be copied and used in many towns to give others a future and a hope.
Keeping Up with God